has been 24 (*25) times finalist at international film festivals and received 13 (*14) awards, special mentions or nominations:
1. Naturvision, International Nature and Wildlife Film Festival Freyung, July 2009, Germany
(1. Best German Film for series “WILD RUSSIA”)
2. Film Festival della Lessinia, August 2009, Italy
(2. Best Nature Film)
3. Darßer Naturfilmfestival, September 2009, Germany
(3. Nomination for Deutscher Naturfilmpreis: Result 3rd Place)
4. Matsalu International Nature Film Festival, September 2009, Estonia
(4. Best Director)
5. Green Screen, September 2009, Germany
(5. Best of Festival for series “WILD RUSSIA”, 6. Nomination for Best Camera for series “WILD RUSSIA”, 7. Nomination for Best Music for series “WILD RUSSIA”)
6. International TV Festival Bar, October 2009, Montenegro
(8. Best Photography in Category Ecology)
7. Festival Nature Namur, October 2009, Belgium
(9. Nomination for Best Photography: Result 2nd Place)
8. Television & Film Awards / New York Festivals, May 2010, U.S.A.
(10. Gold World Medal for series “WILD RUSSIA” – Nature and Wildlife)
9. Moscow International Festival of Mountaineering and Adventure “Vertical”, May 2010, Russia
(11. Best Camera)
10. Animal Behavior Society Film Festival, July 2010, U.S.A.
(12. Best of Festival)
11. China International Animal & Nature Film Festival, August 2010, China
(13. Nomination for Category “Favourite Film for Natural Environment”)
* Wildscreen Festival, October 2010, England
(* Nomination for Popular Broadcast Award, represented by episode “Siberia” for series “WILD RUSSIA”)
Finalist at following festivals:
12. CMS Vatavaran 2011, India
13. KIMFF, Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival 2010, Nepal
14. Wildlife Vaasa Nature Film Festival 2010, Finland
15. New Zealand Mountain Film Festival 2010, New Zealand
16. Envirofilm 2010, Slovakia
17. Trento Film Festival, International Film Festival of Mountains, Exploration and Adventure 2010, Italy
18. International Film Festival Tur Ostrava 2010, Czech Republic
19. F.I.F.A. Albert, International Wildlife Film Festival 2010, France
20. Festival del’Insolite, Vendée Nature 2010, France
21. Heart of England Film Festival 2010, England
22. Baikal International Festival “People and Environment” 2010, Russia
23. International Mountain Film Festival in Bulgaria 2010, Bulgaria
24. The Green Screen Environmental Film Festival 2010, U.S.A.